June 7, 2002 - "WORK" section of album - Added 8 more images of the North Slope Camp where I live during my work time there.
June 7, 2002 - "OUR ADVENTURES" section of album - Added 3 images of the 2002 World Ice Sculpture Championship held each March 1 in Fairbanks, Alaska.
February 18, 2002 - "FAMILY" section of album - Added 6 images taken this past Christmas 2001 in Pt. Arena.
February 18, 2002 - "WORK" section of album - Added 11 images I took while working as a Hwy Construction Inspector for the Alaskan State Transportation Department.
February 18, 2002 - "WORK" section of album - Added 8 images taken while working my present job on The North Slope.
August 13, 2001 - "Family" section of album - Added 2 images of Poo, our newest family member.
August 13, 2001 - "New Cabin Home" section of album - Added 6 more images showing what progress we've made on finishing our log cabin.
August 13, 2001 - "Our Adventures" section of album - Added 3 images of a fishing trip on the Klutina River.